When you buy a car you may face admin fees. It can be confusing as to why the sticker price is not the final price of the vehicle. I will break down the types of fees you will face when buying the car of your dreams.
Admin fees are fees set up by us at Hartland and the manufacturers we work with. You need to pay these fees to take your car home legally. These fees are completely legitimate. It covers the documentation and processing fees placed upon the vehicle that you choose to purchase.
These fees pay us back for our time and energy in selling a car to you. It helps us pay for employee training in dealing with your paperwork legally. We are in a hurry to close your paperwork so you can take your vehicle home quickly and without this training it would take longer to close the deal for you. It pays us back for time dealing with paperwork and making sure your vehicle is legally compliant with State and Federal laws.
There are many laws we must check for while selling you a vehicle. Some of these include vehicle history checks, notifications on recalls, getting up to date vehicle information, and consumer certifications. Getting all of this information could take hours or days even under ideal situations. We aim to make this as quick as possible for you because we know that you want to get your new vehicle on the road.
We do all of this to protect your consumer rights and make sure your vehicle is actually reliable. Some of the things we watch for include:
- protection against liens on the vehicle
- double checking emissions are correct.
- looking for rebates and discounts to help you save money
- keeping our records up to date on all of our vehicles.
- submitting paperwork to the manufacturer
These fees are normally included on the paperwork under admin fees so you know what you will have to pay before you pay it. If you choose to pay for your car all at once you will be able to pay these fees instantly right along with the vehicle. If financing you will have to pay for at least the tax, title and licensing fees right away. Everything else may be debatable and worked into the financing.
If you are questioning if certain fees are really for your car you can simply check by matching up the vehicles vin number to the vin number on your paperwork. If they match up then those are the fees you be required to pay when purchasing your vehicle. If there is an error let us know and we will fix this discrepancy right away. At Hartland we put our customers first.
We hope you now know what these fees are all about and how to check them. Come and check our lot if you are looking to upgrade your current vehicle or maybe just to get a second car for your family. We can't wait to help you find a vehicle that suits your needs at Hartland.