When you purchase a new or used vehicle at any dealership, they may ask whether you would like to purchase an extended warranty. This is a little additional insurance that can help you if something breaks down on your vehicle and you need to get it fixed. As long as the repair is covered in the warranty, you will not need to pay for the repair. This can save you a lot of time and money down the line.
But are car dealership warranties worth it?
Is an Extended Warranty Worth It On a New Car?
Yes, an extended warranty can be worth the cost on a new car. While new cars are generally more reliable than older models, when a new car needs to be fixed, the bill can be much higher because the parts are all brand new. Having this extended warranty can help you know that the vehicle is safe and that you can get any repairs done when necessary, without having a large bill to contend with.
Keep in mind that many new vehicles will come with their standard factory warranty so you do get some protection. Purchasing the extended warranty will help you save money down the road when the factory warranty wears out. And since the car is new with lower mileage, the extended coverage will often cost less.
Extended Car Warranty Cost
A big question that a lot of our customers will ask about an extended car warranty is how much it will cost. This is a pretty normal question to have and can help you budget out whether this warranty is a good option for you or not.
The amount that you will pay depends on the type of vehicle, the amount of coverage you want on your vehicle, and even by the location where you plan to drive the vehicle. While the amount will vary, the average cost for an extended car warranty will be about $2800. It does depend on how long you would like the coverage for though.
There are a lot of great warranty companies out there and we strive to provide you with the right options when choosing one. We can cut out the worst extended auto warranty companies to make sure you only get ones who will treat you well and help you when things go badly. This helps you to get the best deal for your money each time.
At Hartland Automotive Sales, we know that you want to get the best deal on your next automotive purchase, without being fed a lot of gimmicks and extras that are not worth your time. That is why we have streamlined the process and strive to bring you the very best in customer service each time. We only provide the most reputable extended car warranty companies and will walk through the pros and cons of extended car warranties with you to make sure you get the very best deal each time.
Contact us today to see whether you should buy a car dealer warranty or not.